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Sagittarius sign traits, season dates, compatibility, and more

Sep 30, 2023

Sagittarians, the Zodiac sign charged with ushering in the first days of winter, are known as one of the Zodiac's most curious characters. One of three fire signs, Sagittarius has a unique set of "fiery" traits.

In conversation with Aliza Kelly, celebrity astrologer and author, we explore the key personality traits of Sagittarians, what they're known for, what they're strengths and weaknesses are and who their most compatible love matches might be.

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"Astrology is an amazing way of getting to know yourself, getting to know other people, and the relationships that you have," Kelly says. Her new project "Astrology Club," made in collaboration with Spotify, allows listeners to do just that with personalized podcasts playlists based on your astrological sign, and insights into your compatibility with other Zodiac signs.

Pisces | Aquarius | Capricorn | Sagittarius | Scorpio | Libra | Virgo | Leo | Cancer | Gemini | Taurus | Aries

Is it in the stars? Free Daily and Monthly Horoscopes

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How many Zodiac signs are there? Meet the 12 astrological signs, their traits and more.

Sagittarius season 2022 will last from November 22 to December 21.

"Sagittarians are known for their very incredible senses of humor," Kelly tells me, elaborating that it is a sign in constant search of adventure and knowledge. They are incredibly curious, she explains, always learning and discovering.

The last of the three fire signs, Sagittarius is a 'wildfire' Kelly says, uncontained and unlimited.

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"Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter which is the planet of expansion," Kelly tells me, "So Sagittarians see the world as really a place where there are no limits, no boundaries. Anything is possible."

In their eyes the future is full of potential and magic, and the time for discovery is now. Their will to explore translates to a healthy sense of ambition.

Kelly describes Sagittarius' typical relationship style as "very fun, very playful, very jovial." They're the life of the party, she explains, and always looking for an adventure/ So in relationships, they tend to be quite spirited.

"They're very youthful and they have a lot of energy, and they really always are looking for a co-pilot," Kelly explains. They are typically the most compatible with other fire signs: Leo and Aries. However, they can also be compatible with the three air signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

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Kelly says Sagittarians can be somewhat unpredictable and sometimes fickle. Other points of struggle can include:

Sagittarians are optimistic, sure that the world is full of possibilities and magic, Kelly explains. Their search for knowledge makes them philosophical, and their curiosity is boundless.

Other strong points for Sagittarius signs according to Kelly include:

New to Astrology? We've got you covered. Explore more Zodiac coverage and find out what that stars say about you with USA TODAY's astrological sign series.

Sagittarius horoscope: Is it in the stars? What is your zodiac sign? How many Zodiac signs are there? Can astrology determine relationships? Zodiac sign compatibility 101: